use case training
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use case training
use case training
   Use Case Training
use case training

Use Case Training
use case training
  Use Case Training
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Use Case Training
Industry-proven techniques for capturing & documenting better requirements via use cases

Use Case Boot Camp

Course Objectives: This seminar provides participants with an intensive immersion to modeling requirements with use cases. Participants will learn practical, real-world, industry-proven use case modeling techniques that can be immediately applied to projects in their work environments. This seminar is packed with detailed exercises, examples of good (and bad) use cases, take home checklists, and pragmatic tips and advice from a real-world practitioner.

Course Length: 2-3 Days

See a detailed outline for this course

Use Case-Driven Testing

Course Objectives: This course provides participants whose organizations develop requirements via use cases with a practical, systematic approach to software test planning methods, test design techniques, and test documentation. Participants will learn how to use an industry-proven, use case-driven, top-down process for developing effective formal test plans.

Course Length: 1 Day

See a detailed outline for this course

Defining & Writing Better Requirements

Course Objectives: This essential core requirements course provides participants with industry-proven best practices for successfully identifying, analyzing, and documenting better requirements. This seminar focuses on critical success factors for getting good requirements, and contains numerous hands-on exercises, take home checklists, requirements guidelines, and real-world examples.

Course Length: 2 Days

See a detailed outline for this course

See the left-hand sidebar for additional courses related to use case training and better requirements training

To discuss your on-site training needs with me, please call 301-873-0771 or email me at