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I'm an IT industry consultant specializing in software engineering methodology and project management. I have more than 25 years of real-world experience providing consulting, training, and mentoring services to both private sector clients and government organizations around the world. You can find out more about me here...

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Project Planning Quiz
How long does a person-year of effort really take?

Here's the situation. You've met with your customer and scoped out an application they need to have developed. The customer wants delivery within the next 12 months. You've estimated that the project requires two person-years of effort. You also feel that the customer won't be too upset if the schedule slips a month, maybe even two months. If you juggle some assignments around, you figure you can free up two people to staff the project. My question to you is "How long will it take to complete the project?" Here's my take on it...
Quest For The Magic Questions
Analysts always ask me to teach them the right questions to ask    updated 03/20/09

Often, when analysts ask me what questions they should be asking their stakeholders, I sense an expectation on their part that I know of the existence of some magical list of analyst questions. Well, I've been searching for the holy grail of questions for about 30 years now and I've yet to find it. Maybe I've been looking in the wrong places, but then again I've been to quite a few places in the last three decades and should have definitely stumbled across it :-) However, the good news is that I've created a list of more than 50 questions that I've used successfully in my own work. You can find them here...